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Unforgettable Memories
Traditional Songs
Wedding March | Mendelssohn
Air | Bach
Clair De Lune | Debussy
Trumpet Voluntary | Clarke
Ave Maria | Schubert
Canon in D | Pachelbel
Spring from Four Seasons | Vivaldi
Roundeau | Mouret
Ode to Joy | Beethoven
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring | Bach
La Vie en Rose
Prelude from Te Deum | Charpentier
Ave Verum Corpus | Mozart
Eternal Source of Light Divine | Handel
...and more!
Modern Classical Songs
A Thousand Years | Christina Perri
Isn’t She Lovely | Stevie Wonder
My Girl | The Temptations
Signed, Sealed, Delivered | Stevie Wonder
How Sweet It Is | Marvin Gaye
Teenage Dream | Katy Perry
Unchained Melody | Righteous Brothers
How Sweet it is | James Taylor
Dreams | Fleetwood Mac
Dancing Queen | ABBA
All of Me | John Legend
...and more!
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